MOCBAD™ (Management of Complex Behaviours and Dynamics)

Gain skills, confidence, and an effective framework to manage complex behaviours and dynamics.

MOCBAD is at the forefront of Crisis Management training- it is a well recognized course drawing on participants communication skills, ability to manage themselves before exploring the management of external dynamics. It imparts the skills to recognize crisis vs negotiative incidents and explores the complexities of human conflict. In a second stage, it teaches the skills to help manage both "crisis' and "negotiable" situations.

In it participants will learn about scene assessment, personal safety, basic de-escalation and communication skills, understanding mental health and intoxication, anchoring, situational awareness, escape and evasion, and personal wellbeing, and recognizing personal limitations.

Management of Complex Behaviours and Dynamics (MOCBAD) is a very dynamic 8 hour course, mixing theory, skill acquisition, powerpoint, table top and hands-on scenarios.

If you are interested in the MOCBAD™ (Management of Complex Behaviours and Dynamics), please get in touch. We would be happy to share more information on this and other training opportunities.

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